Future World

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1, NKJV) Psalm 23 was the second passage of Scripture that I memorized as a child of six. The first was Psalm 100. Memorizing those two passages early in life shaped my life. I've never doubted that God was my shepherd. I have always enjoyed thinking and…Read more Future World

Happy Sabbath #2

It is a pleasant surprise for a pastor when a Sunday morning message strikes a chord with so many. The message Sunday about Sabbath Rest has sparked conversations every day this week. A common summary of the comments reveals that most of us have not seen Sabbath as the grace gift that it is. There…Read more Happy Sabbath #2

Christmas is for Everyone!

On this fourth day of the Christmas Season, my heart is full of joy! This year's Advent theme was at Woodland was a "A Few of My Favorite Things." The people, the decorations, the lights, and the gifts of Christmas brought us to the scriptural conclusion, "Christmas is for Everyone!" Every year the world is…Read more Christmas is for Everyone!

The Serious Business of Heaven is Joy

“The serious business of heaven is joy.” (G. K. Chesterton) What a marvelous sentence. Heaven is a place of total and perfect joy. Augustine said, “It is the decided opinion of all who use their brains that all men desire to be happy.” Consider these descriptions from Revelation 21-22. God will live with us, sadness,…Read more The Serious Business of Heaven is Joy

Reaching My Potential

"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit in power, and he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil because God was with him!" (Acts 10:38) Just thinking tonight that since Jesus was anointed, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, how much more do I…Read more Reaching My Potential