Three Verbs Helping Me with Covid-19

Saturday morning after expressing her concern that I was manifesting symptoms of the Corona virus, my wife asked me to get a Covid-19 test. It surprised me when the results returned positive. The thought of being in quarantine with a full week ahead was annoying. My first thought wasn't that I had the virus it…Read more Three Verbs Helping Me with Covid-19

Visionary Goals

Prayerfully Write Visionary Life Goals “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15–16, AMP Life goals are how I talk about…Read more Visionary Goals

December 31, 2020 Reflections

Today I've spent reflecting on goals and reading my journal from this year. On December 31 a virus that you cannot see with the naked eye was not even a part of my thought life or prayer life. January 19, Coronavirus was still not a concern for us. However, that Sunday, I preached a message…Read more December 31, 2020 Reflections

My Hope Is a Who!

Everyone seeks after hope. It is as necessary to our lives as food and water. Your children get higher GPA's, with hope. Athletes perform better, recover from injuries better, and adjust mentally to change better when they have hope. Elderly people who have hope live longer than those without hope. Hope breeds confidence to build…Read more My Hope Is a Who!

By Prayer and Fasting

Jesus’ disciples tried unsuccessfully to help a boy after the boy’s dad asked them to. The dad and the disciples appealed to Jesus for help. As always Jesus came through and healed by delivering him from the grip of the devil. Later when the disciples asked why they had failed, he told them, “This kind…Read more By Prayer and Fasting