HOW I START THE DAY "Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh." Psalm 19:12 (Message) 1. Coffee and Devotional reading. (Wakes my mind) 2. Read my Bible. Currently I'm reading the book of 1 Corinthians, Psalms and Proverbs (This year I've used the Message Translation) 3. Prayer and Journal 4. Breakfast…Read more HOW I START THE DAY

Lessons from a Time Management Seminar

Recently I was invited to attend a skillfully presented time management seminar with a group of managers, scientists, salesmen/women, and technicians.  The presenter's goal was to equip us with effective skills for using our time wisely for family and career.  Towards the conclusion of the day long presentation (time well spent) he told us that…Read more Lessons from a Time Management Seminar