Happy Sabbath!

When the Hebrews were delivered from slavery in Egypt, God gave these former slaves a gift that their taskmasters would have never thought of. The gift of one day of rest for worship, family, and re-creation. From the beginning of creation God gave us a unique gift of a week with one day specifically designed for rest. Imagine that you were living under the whip of a taskmaster. “The Egyptian slave-drivers beat the Israelite foremen … .” (Exodus 5:14a, GN) Now you are free and one day a week you rest, worship the Lord, enjoy your wife and family, and find a deep rest and peace that comes only from a center of faith in God. God is so good!

God rested on the Sabbath, not because of weariness, but because it was all good! He gives us the 4th commandment (it is also the longest commandment) to rest on the Sabbath, out of love. “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8, NLT) To illustrate our family remembers and observes Christmas each year by keeping the holiday in honor of Jesus’ nativity. The decorations, the music, the cards, and worship services are a beautiful joy for us! It is a holy time. To keep it holy, reflect upon this verse about the fruit the Holy Spirit produces in us. “The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!” (Galatians 5:22–23, NLT) This verse describes holiness, the true pleasures of life.

In my calling as a pastor, frequently someone within our congregation or community will tell me of their weariness and deep fatigue. Often is complete spiritual, emotional and physical exhaustion. Life for them has been drained of joy and pleasure. Observing a weekly Sabbath may not solve all of their issues but it can be the beginning of their recovery of joy and pleasures of life.

The joys of life are godly pleasures. Our family remembers, observes, and keeps Sabbath (Sunday for Christians) by gathering with our church family to worship God together, enjoy Sunday lunch together, they will take naps and I will go for a walk and read. If my grandchildren are here, I spend time playing with them. It might be jumping on a trampoline or playing a game. Sometimes it’s evening meal with friends or a small group meeting.Usually around six o’clock in the evening, I enjoying praying about and reviewing my goals for the year. Since I tend to be task oriented it’s good a discipline for me to submit those goals to God. I want to stay attuned to His will for my life and those I am called to shepherd.

One more thought! “Be happy and enjoy eating and drinking! God decided long ago that this is what you should do. Dress up, comb your hair, and look your best. Life is short, and you love your wife, so enjoy being with her. This is what you are supposed to do as you struggle through life on this earth.” (Ecclesiastes 9:7–9, CEV)

How do you observe Sabbath? Who do you observe Sabbath with? Do you go to a worship service? Are you refreshed spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically?


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